4 Tricks Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Illegal

The struggle to achieve top placement in search engine result knows no boundaries - both technically and ethically. There are many reports about the sites that got banned by Google and other search engines either temporarily or permanently, because of malpractice and to use 'black hat' SEO optimization techniques. Reaction from the search engines are easy to understand - with so much deception and plagiarism that put the SEO experts at their warehouse, the results will show the search engines entirely unrelated to the contents of the website.

And this is because the risk of dangerous websites banned by Google. And Even if search engines did not detect this fraud, usually your competitors will report it.
Keyword Density or Keyword stuffing

Sometimes an SEO expert to do things beyond the limits of ethics in order to boost their client's site on the top position by using unethical practices, like stuffing Keywod. Keyword stuffing is considered as an unethical practice because you basically do is write down as many keywords that are not related to the websites to trick the user's own Search Engine, this activity often makes users SE (Search Engine) astray.

Doorway Pages and Hidden Text

Another common keyword is doorway pages. Before Google introduced PageRank algorithm, praktekan doorway in general and then he was not regarded as illegal ways to optimize websites. A doorway page is a page created specifically for search engines not humans, use to get the best position in search engines and deceive users to go to SE website.

Keywords Though still the recommended way, but relying solely on keywords to determine the best position of your site, is wrong. So doorway pages is not the best way to get high traffic for your site, but if you use it, do not blame Google if you punish.

There is a another technique which is almost similar to the doorway page that is hidden text, which does not appear in humans but the input into an HTML page source, to trick search engines that these pages are keyword-rich. Actually, the doorway and hidden text can not (difficult) if qualified as a way of optimizing the site, but they are more appropriate in kualifikasikan as a technique to manipulate and trick the user-op, with the legal consequences your site by Google, Yahoo and MSN.
Field duplicate (Duplicate Content)

The content (content) website is the most important thing in SEO, but not duplicate the text / content. In the Google rules, duplicates the same text means the text is different yard on the same site. If you do copy-paste some paragraphs in a one-page kehalaman others in your site, then do not be surprised if your site's ranking down. But many players believe that the technique of combining SEO text / content is not a duplication of text, and indeed many examples of this.

If combining the text / content / text duplication categorized as agents of the site is the site of the first news will come down ranking in search results. But so does no harm, to check if your site has duplicate entries with other sites, at least, could have someone illegally copying the contents of your site and you do not know. Similar Page Similar Page Checker Checker Tool can help you to find out if there's another site that illegally copying the contents of your site.

Spam Links

Link Spam is another major problem in SEO tools, SEO tools like the others, it can be used or misused. Although Backlink is important (for Yahoo! Backlink importance of the quantity of substrate, whereas Google importance of backlink sites where it originated), has dozens of backlinks from a link farm * or from a site that has the same backlist you requested punished by Google.

One more thing, if the outbound links (links that your site is to go to other sites / links by others) of larger amount than in the number of inbound links (links from other sites to your site / link you), then you have done business worth for nothing, because this will not increase the ranking of your site. You can use the Domain Stats Tool to see the number of backlinks (inbound links) on your site and can use the Site Link Analyzer to find out how many links you have (outbound links).

Keywoard put on your link (anchor text), domain name, the name of the folder and files it is useful to locate your position on search engine rankings, but this business is risky in the law by Google. For example, if you try to optimize the word "ayu", say these words often in a keyword and select keywords and phrases as popular, competition is getting louder, so you do not see another alternative to reach the top position, making domains like this http://ayu -Sariayu-ayusari-ayunya.com, so that the input with up to a maximum number of keywords, but remember - your domain will be difficult in the recall. And second - if the contents of it does not contain data such as name listed in the domain, then your site will not be in the top position on search results.

Although the names of files and folders is not very important in the comparative domain name, present and future (but not forever) you can incorporate "ayu" therein and the arrows of the text links (the anchor text). This is considered good, providing an anchor link not as a copy of the inserted (for example, if you use "cat_cats_kitten", as an anchor to an anchor link from this internal site is inset). While you do not have control of the third part was a link on your site, and use an anchor that you do not like, and it is up to you to conduct periodic checks, the anchor of what other sites use to link your site.

Finally, for Google and other search engines, do not differ if a site is intentionally doing excessive optimization ways to trick the search engines, this can be considered the result of good intentions, then whatever your motivation, do not forget to wear way a sensible and remember! Do not exceed the rule.


Kind of link farm is a network of mutual antarsitus posted a link to one another to improve their link popularity. Can be a button-sized 88 × 31 pixels, or only text that can be clicked.

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